IGWS Newsletter Vol. 51

  • Featuring a questionnaire conducted by the Stereo Remove Section
  • Student’s essay: To become a client-centered registered dietitian
  • Student’s essay: Reasons for application and awareness during on-the-job training
  • Teacher’s essay: Evaluation of “The Tale of Genji”/Evaluation of Murasaki Shikibu
  • Teacher’s essay: Women suffering under the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Gender on campus: “Exercise on expressing gender/diversity”
  • Visiting gender laboratories No. 2: The Tokai Foundation for Gender Studies
  • Report of the Stereo Remove Section’s activities
  • Cinema Discovery
  • Report of the 40th IGWS Seminar
  • Annual report of IGWS

A questionnaire conducted by the student steering committee of the Stereo Remove Section, of the Institute for Gender and Women’s Studies

 We administered a questionnaire in November 2021 to students attending the Institute for Gender and Women’s Studies (IGWS) courses on their usual thoughts about gender and diversity. The results are as follows.

  • Few students learned about gender and diversity before entering the university. Over 90% of the students responded positively about taking the course on gender and diversity at the university because they could broaden their thinking. They considered that this knowledge would be helpful in their future.
  • Less than 20% of the students responded that they had doubts about their gender. On the other hand, over 80% answered that they would be able to understand if their friends or family members were LGBT.
  • Nearly 70% of the students responded no to the question, “Do you think Japan is a gender-equal society?” On the other hand, over 70% of the students answered that they considered Aichi Shukutoku University understands gender equality and people with disabilities.
  • Over 80% of the students responded yes to the question, “Do you think women’s social advancement is good?” On the other hand, only 20% answered that they want to become a company president or an assembly member in the future.
  • Most students were against gender stereotype opinions, suggesting they had gender-equal attitudes.
  • More than 80% of students had positive attitudes regarding uniforms in junior and senior high schools.

Activities of the Stereo Remove Section in SY 2021

 We issued a newsletter in March 2021 informing about our activities. The media, including Chunichi Shimbun, Kyoiku Gakujutsu Shimbun (published by the Association of Private Universities of Japan), and “We learn” (published by Japan Association for Women’s Education), interviewed us.

 In June and July, students in the Stereo Remove Section acted as high school students’ guides at the Aichi Shukutoku University’s open campus.

 We also collaborated with local authorities. The Diversity Promotion Department, Civic Life Division of Owariasahi City, requested that we recommend students to the Council for Gender Equality. As a result, a student enrolled in the Stereo Remove Section participated in the council. Moreover, we collaborated with the Tatsusegaaru Department, Life and Culture Division of Nagakute City, and published the Nagakute City gender equality information magazine, “Jibunrashiku (Be yourself).”

(A student’s impression) A year has passed since the Stereo Remove Section was inaugurated. As a result, I can think about gender more profoundly and provide information. I would be grateful if people developed an interest in gender through our activities and learned the significance of living their life as they are.

The 40th IGWS Seminar; “Thinking about gender now~reflecting on gender education at Aichi Shukutoku University~” Lecturers: Hirabayashi Mitoko (Professor of literature) and Ishida Yoshie (Professor emeritus)

 We held the 40th IGWS Seminar on October 18, 2021. Hirabayashi Mitoko, a professor of literature, and Ishida Yoshie, the former vice president of the university and a professor emeritus, gave a lecture on the past and future gender education at the university. Professor Hirabayashi defined the “relationship between women” as a relationship between human beings based on the perspective that human beings are sensitive,” regardless of biological sex. Based on the above definition, she stated that not “sympathy” or feeling sorry for others, but “empathy,” or imagining others’ feelings rationally, is essential for developing a relationship between women. She explained that empathy is the ability to think about and imagine others’ thoughts and feelings, even if they differ from one’s own. Empathy is not a relationship of giving or receiving help but getting along by maintaining an equal relationship. She concluded that it is essential to learn this relationship-building process in gender education.

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